Does Your Hairdresser Have a Medical Degree?

Every six weeks I return to Longview, Texas to see Dr. Hannah. No, I don’t have some sort of rare ailment that only she can treat. Dr. Hannah is my hairdresser. But let’s start at the beginning. My employer in Longview was…how...

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The Deputies Will Thank You

People stop me in the streets from time, to tell me how much they enjoy my weekly articles. Okay, maybe they don’t literally stop me in the streets. But they stop me in the coffee shop, the grocery store, the post office, Dollar General, at...

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My Three Dog Life

In case you’ve forgotten, we have three dogs. No, that’s not true. we have two dogs, and Ruger has one. But, as with most family pets, only one person cares for all of them, Rebel is Ruger’s dog, but I feed her and pet her and let...

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You Don’t Know Until You Know

Do you know where your friends are? I don’t mean their physical locations, although that’s important too. I’m talking about their emotional locations, as in how are they really and truly doing. And I’m not talking social media...

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Don’t Be Afraid To Turn Your Rudder

Do you ever find words of wisdom in a billboard sign, a television show, or a fortune cookie? The other day I was watching a show from the 1990s, “Northern Exposure”. One character, Maurice Minnifield, is a retired astronaut. His...

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Is There Too Much Mayhem in Mardi Gras?

It’s Mardi Gras season—time for bright colors, King Cake, masks, beads, and parades. I never celebrated the holiday until I moved to Louisiana. And let me tell you, I’d missed out on a lot of fun!   When I was sixteen, my...

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Silent Gen + Gen X + Gen Z = ?

I don’t know about you, but I needed a refresher course to write this article. So here we go! The Greatest Generation was born between 1901 and 1927. The Silent Generation was born between 1928 and 1945—my dad’s generation. Baby...

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Can Mythical Creatures Learn To Smile and Dance?

In my last article I bragged about all the state, uh, well, things that Louisiana has made official. Louisiana claims strawberry, sweet potato, mayhaw jelly, Louisiana sugar cane jelly, gumbo,  Natchitoches meat pie, beignet, pirogue, and...

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It’s Official!

This week’s article is meant to educate and enlighten you. If you aren’t feeling the need for either, then you might want to skip to the classified. Or you might want to keep reading so you can let me know that my article did neither for...

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