Why Do We Boil Animals We Found in a Ditch?

One of my first red flags when I visited Louisiana was this obsession with crawfish. Remember, I had a lot of concerns and rouge-colored flags about moving away from my beloved Texas. The promise of twenty-four-hour casinos and Mike the Tiger...

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Can Relationships Be More Like a Limited Series?

  I’ve got a confession to make. No, I’m not confessing to a crime, just an addiction. And it’s not a criminal addiction, not in a legal sense. I’m addicted to limited series shows.   For those of you who...

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When Are Little White Lies Okay?

My friends at “Psychology Today” completed a survey that claims ninety-five percent of Americans cannot go an entire week without telling a lie. That result strikes me as harsh, but let’s review the definition of a...

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Small Town Circus Act

In my last article I mentioned a neighbor with a story. In small town fashion he’s actually my neighbor because he lives within two miles of my house, he goes to my church, he’s on the water system board with John, he does...

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Small Town Friendly or a Square Mile of Stalkers?

    As I’ve said before, my writing ranges from entertaining to informative. And anywhere in between. Today’s article is right in the middle, and I hope it makes you think.    My neighbor (because he lives...

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I Don’t Mean To Alarm You…

  Sometimes I write to inform you. Sometimes I write to entertain you. But today I’m writing to warn you. The information I’m about to share may be disturbing to sensitive readers.   Recently I wrote a column pondering the...

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If We Live in Mayberry, Who’s Aunt Bee?

Last week I drove the necessary 1.4 miles to my local Dollar General. At first read, you might think I’m too lazy to make the trek of 8.6 miles to the Brookshire’s in nearby Mansfield. But it’s not about the distance and time...

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Please, Sir, I Want Some More

We’re all familiar with this phrase, “please sir, I want some more”. You know, Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens’ orphan story? The poor kid is farmed out to a workhouse, where he receives seven and a half pence each week. His...

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Are Books Like Children?

We’ve already established our pets are like children. But what about books? If you’re not a reader, then you might want to skip this week’s article. But if you are, then let’s get into it! As an author, I appreciate reviews...

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