Mayhaw Jelly Makes Me Cry

Our five senses connect us to our environment and help us make more informed decisions. Our nervous system even contains a dedicated branch, called the sensory nervous system. But which one is the most powerful?  Most people would argue that...

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I Want To Know Now!

I’ve been running the roads between Shreveport and Grand Cane. During my time in the car I’ve been listening to the radio, including the commercials. Honestly, I’ve enjoyed some commercials more than the songs. I mean, who knows? A...

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X Marks The Spot

In a previous article, I’d written about my Christmas traditions, and how they’d changed as my life had changed. Here is one tradition that got lost over the years, but I’m hoping to revive it soon. When I was a kid, my parents...

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Santa Claus: Time Traveler Or Scam Artist?

When Nathan was six, he announced there was no such thing as Santa Claus. “Mom, that’s ridiculous! How can one man travel around the world and deliver all those presents in less than twenty-four hours? It’s just not...

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Christmas Memories

In a past article I wrote about Christmas traditions, and I mentioned Christmas cookies. When I was a little girl, my mother and I would make cookies at the beginning of December and pass them out. We offered our baked goods to people at church, my...

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Tradition: Unchanging, or as Changeable as Your Underwear?

Christmas traditions — what does that mean exactly? The definition of tradition is “the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.” I love that! Looking back over my...

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Does Age Give You Psychic Powers?

People assume I read a lot, and I understand that. Being an author, it makes sense I would love to read. And I do, I really do. But it’s not the reading part that I struggle with.   It’s not my fault, really. Okay maybe it is. I...

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Do I Really Want That Worm?

As a kid, I’d visit my grandfather’s farm. It doesn’t matter which grandfather—they both had farms. My paternal grandfather owned a farm in New Mexico, and my maternal grandfather had one in Kansas. They both had the same...

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Is Your Third Cousin a Serial Killer?

Today’s article isn’t like most others. It’s pretty serious, actually. If you’re looking for a good laugh, just move on down the road. But if you want to read something interesting, keep going.   The website,...

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