Can I Skeleton Draft My Life?

One technique writers use is called the skeleton draft. It’s a way to maintain momentum when writing. Many writers get overwhelmed by a story as they complete the first draft, and this problem is compounded by all the outside commitments that come with everyday life. Worst of all, once you fall behind, catching back up gets much harder.


As a writer starts to miss a few writing goals, the brain will create mental barriers that make it harder to write. This is actually a major element of procrastination. The more negative feelings (like stress and anxiety) that a person feels towards a task, the more the brain will fight to avoid that task—even if it’s something the person genuinely wants to do.


How do we maintain momentum? One key element is finding your creative flow: A flow state, or being in the zone, is the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed. That person feels energized, focused, and fulfilled while performing the activity. You reach this flow state after breaking past the mental barriers and tapping into your creativity. You’re also able to maintain your momentum as you write—because you’re “in the zone” and you’re truly enjoying what you’re doing.


The skeleton draft facilitates this process by fast tracking all your ideas. You develop your major characters, conflicts, basic setting, key events, and outcomes and them Boom! You start writing like crazy. Grammar and punctuation go out the door as you write your little ol’ heart out.


The linear logical person in me had a lot of skepticism at first, but I’m finishing up my ninth book using the skeleton draft method. I’m writing more words per hour than I’ve ever managed, and the ideas are flowing more easily. I’m a convert, and I plan to try it again for the next book. But it got me to thinking.


Could I apply this process to my life? Instead of outlining and planning and detailing and filling up calendar pages, could I throw some things on a page and then just wing it as I go? Would that help me reach my creative flow? Maybe I’m taking life way too seriously. Maybe I should focus more on the joy of life, instead of the process.


I have two calendars, I’m sad to report. One is for events and one is my daily to do list. My life has gotten so convoluted it has spilled onto a second calendar. That’s pretty ridiculous, isn’t it?


This year will be my year of skeleton drafting my life. I’ll jot down a few items, and let the rest of the day fall into place. Hopefully, as with my writing, I’ll find my creative flow and it will be amazing. I’ll let you know how that goes.


Jann Goar Franklin graduated Russellville High School in 1985 and lives in Grand Cane, Louisiana. She also writes books, which are for sale at You can reach her at