Who’s Your Alibi?

One of the big complaints about small towns is, “I don’t like people being all up in my business. Nobody needs to know where I am or who I’m with.” Yeah, I get that. You don’t want your neighbors knowing you eat vanilla...

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So I Fell In Love…

Don’t worry—John and I are still very much in love and married. We’re not going anywhere. But I did fall in love a few weeks ago. And what do I mean, exactly?   Merriam-Webster defines love as “a strong affection for...

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Raising other people’s kids

My kids are all grown up and living their big city lives. Yes, they come home to visit once in a while, but they’ve got jobs (one’s even got a wife), and they’re busy. No, we don’t have grandchildren yet. Honestly, with only...

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Level Up Player One

When I was a kid, too many years ago, I learned everyone only has one best friend. My best friend in elementary school was Melanie Smith. We’ve kept in touch throughout the years, and had supper together in Russellville back in April. All the...

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A Whole Lot of Sportsing Going On

If you’re a sports enthusiast, this article may offend you. At the very least it will probably cause you to shake your head and mutter a string of words under your breath. I’ll go ahead and apologize for the contents, and I’ll...

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Fangirling Our Elected Officials

I’ll confess once again: I’m a fangirl of small town celebrities. You know the ones. The actors on stage at the community theater and the musicians playing in the park. But let’s not forget the political small town celebrities, like...

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Why Can’t I Be A Dog?

Our dog Sadie found us over eight years ago. We didn’t know we needed a dog until she came along and set us straight. She moved with us to Grand Cane, settling into the small town life more easily than I did. She loved the trips to the farm and...

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Tips For Getting Back To School

All right, it's back to school time! Tell me your favorite tips for getting the kids back into the groove of homework and getting up early. Me? Nope, I don't have any. My kids are 25 and 22--I can't remember any!

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A Dog for My Dog

All my life I’ve looked at people with multiple dogs and thought, why? Why would anyone want twice the shedding, twice the vet costs, twice the mess? Then I bought my first dog, and I discovered just how needy dogs are.  John says dogs...

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