My Fan Base Was Alive During JFK’s Assassination

Recently I received the most delightful email from a fan. The subject line read, “Glad to read your article.” The From line said Marian Bartlett, the mother of one of my high school classmates. High school was, uh, well let’s just...

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Love Isn’t Equal

When my second child came along, I worried I wouldn’t love him as much as my first. Of course I did, and I expected to love them the same.  I thought having two boys meant I could repeat everything for Cameron—he could wear...

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Holding Hands During Football

Is it football season already? I just can’t even! I don’t like sports, at all. I know we’ve covered my dislike of sports, so I’ll be brief. I want to mention a particular incident that cemented my dislike. Cameron played...

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Don’t Let the Airport Steal Your Joy

A few weeks ago, John and I (along with twenty other people) took a trip to Wasilla, Alaska. We spent five days on a mission trip, which changed our lives. But definitely not in the ways we expected. Our mission was unclear, an unusual turn of...

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My Dog’s More Stubborn Than a Fifth Grader

It’s been a while since I’ve talked about my dogs, most specifically our chocolate Labrador Retriever, Rebel. She’s still around, and we still love her, but she is our problem child. I’d like to have her intelligence tested...

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Support Your Local Cornbread

I think I’ve delved into the history of practically every Southern staple. If not, please let me know! But one dish, one of my favorites, I’m tackling today. Cornbread, a staple of Southern comfort food, is a delectable...

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Welcome to the Pretzel Palace

John and I visited the coffee one Saturday and sat down with his cousins. Keep in mind that in small towns, that word has a broader definition. Jim is actually John’s mother’s first cousin, and Donna is his wife. But we just call them...

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What’s Your Focus?

When my mother retired, she took up quilting. She was already a fabulous seamstress, so it was a natural progression. She found a club, and then a mentor. She gained a stash of fat quarters, patterns, friends, and memories. But she never found...

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I’ve got a small town point to make, but first let’s review a few definitions.    During the Cold War the terms “First World” and “Second World” were used to classify a country’s alliance. The...

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