
Trading Bright Lights for Lightning Bugs

Sometimes life throws you curveballs. Jen Guidry thrives in the big city, but her husband Mike finds the bright lights blinding. He moves their family back to the tiny town in Louisiana where he grew up, a place that doesn't even have a coffee shop! How will Jen cope with being a fish out of water? That doesn't mean you lose hope. God puts us all where we're needed, and it isn't long before Jen is living a life she never knew she wanted. Can she give up the bright lights of the big city and truly appreciate her yard full of lightning bugs? Join Jen and her family in the first book of this delightful small-town series, as she finds new friends and new adventures (and misadventures) while navigating small-town life.

Shining Stars & Mason Jars

The Town of Graisseville, Louisiana is in crisis, and the mayor needs Jen Guidry's help! Jen has finally embraced small-town life with open arms, but now she's facing new challenges that test her faith. She struggles to balance family and her desire to help, but her husband Mike prefers she leave well enough alone. While working with the mayor to save the town from financial crisis, she discovers others who also need her help. With Jen's hilarious enthusiasm for navigating her career, friendships, and matchmaking schemes, she nearly loses sight of God's blessings for her family. Follow the plucky adventures of a small-town wife, mother, and friend, as she discovers how to embrace God's plan for her life.

Cheese Grits & Hissy Fits

The village has no mayor or alderman. But who would want a job that paid less than twenty-five dollars a month? The Guidry family had become Graisseville's fifth founding family, and the Fontenot family attempted to reconcile. But Walt couldn't forgive them for cutting off his grandmother Evelyn Fontenot when she married Wade Guidry. Would God soften Walt's heart? Chris Landry and Annie Gladstone set their wedding for June with Jen's son James as the ring bear (as he called that important job). How well would James perform? And what about the star-crossed romance of Acadian Fontenot and Gracie St. Clair? What happened in the past to cause such awkwardness seventeen years later? Would either of them find love? As always, God had a plan. Don't miss the final adventures of a small-town wife, mother and friend, as she discovers how to embrace God's plan for her life. Grab your copy of this hometown book and follow along as Jen navigates a life she never expected to love. You'll laugh, cry and roll your eyes at the antics of this charming small-town Southern heroine. This book is the third of the Small-Town Girl Series.